The restaurant decorated for us; crackers, pretty napkins... They even put up their Christmas decor, upon learning that Americans often put up their decorations the day after Thanksgiving (which was technically when Thanksgiving here was celebrated).
Table to my left, with my favourite redheaded Celticists.
Tables to my right, full of mostly non-Americans.
Dishing up. The restaurant provided some food, and some of us brought other things. I, for example, brought cornbread, as the Alabaman who was hosting was complaining of wanting such things. There were two types of pumpkin pie, a veggie lasagna, a nut roast (for the vegetarians), cheesy cauliflower... and the restaurant had turkey, gravy, potatoes, sweet potatoes/yams, sprouts, stuffing, and some other veg. YUM!
Also, I was crowned Queen of Thanksgiving. It was my own fault; I have this silly habit of stacking cracker crowns on people's heads. I had crowned 4-high on my neighbour, but it was then decided that I had to have crowns too. So hah! Queen of Thanksgiving Feasts!
Further along, towards Christmas, last week we (Post-Graduate Association) went to Birmingham for their traditional German (Frankfurt) style Christmas market. It took over a LARGE part of the city. I'll attach a couple pictures; these are courtesy of the lovely Joanna Shimmin, because I didn't feel like taking my big camera out for pics while struggling to handle everyone wanting to pet Ishbel in the crowd.
Polar bear!
Stately Sheltie in front of Birmingham Cathedral; next to the massive (MASSIVE!) mall called the Bull Ring. Apparently the largest and busiest shopping centre in the UK.
I had mulled wine and cider. Didn't get any stuff; nothing jumped at me. Found a UK location of Lush, which made me happy. Made me miss BC.
Ok, I must get back to things. Off to a lecture on things in the Arthurian legend this evening, and I need to eat first.
One final note:
So. Cute.